Toulouse, France Urbanisme
ZAC Saint Martin du Touch
Definition and implementation of an urban project near the Saint Martin and Ramassiers's stop.
In the time of 40 years, Toulouse's privileged geographical location and its rapid economic had growth, among other things, contributed to a doubling of the population, and making the metropolis the 4th largest city in France. With around 15,000 new arrivals each year, the population growth is 5 times the national average.
The study area covers more than 400 ha west of Toulouse and includes two contiguous ZACs, that of Saint-Martin du Touch located in the city of Toulouse and that of Ramassiers located in Colomiers. The objective of the project is therefore to understand this space as unitary in order to offer a global and coherent vision.
The former agricultural plain underwent a radical transformation at the end of the twentieth century under the pressure of intense economic and urban development which erased the historic structure of the site. The network of infrastructures, serving the exceptional economic development experienced by this sector, has produced strong limits and has fragmented and created situations of isolation.
Analysis of the 400 ha's reflection perimeter shows the need to regain coherence and a positive identity in this area. The last large areas still untouched by urbanization, the two operational sectors, the one known as "Ramassiers and the one known as "Saint-Martin", will have to give the territory an overall coherence through their development. One of the development challenges is therefore to create a new urban articulation bringing together these disparate entities while knowing how to take advantage of their landscape, economic and service assets.
Urbanisme -
Order type
Définition d’un schéma directeur pour le grand secteur Saint Martin du Touch/Ramassiers et de conception/maîtrise d'oeuvre et urbaniste coordinateur pour les 2 quartiers de la halte Saint Martin et Halte des Ramassiers
400 Ha de périmètre d’étude dont
50 Ha de surface réaménagé -
Mission / Phases
Master plan, Programming, CPAUPE, Lot sheets, architectural coordination and monitoring, Project management of public spaces (ESQ, AVP, PRO, ACT, DET, AOR), consultation
SATHY (mandataire) | COT |ARCADIS
45 000 000€
2012 – 2024